Emotionally challenging research and researcher well-beingBy Times Higher Education|2024-12-04T12:14:45+02:004 December, 2024|Categories: Develop your academic career|Tags: Work-life balance, Succeed in an academic setting (blog / vlog), Navigate emotionally challenging research topics|
Dos and do-overs: reflections on life as an early career researcherBy Times Higher Education|2024-12-04T12:04:44+02:004 December, 2024|Categories: Develop your academic career|Tags: Work-life balance, Professional development, Succeed in an academic setting (blog / vlog)|
How hobbies can improve your happiness and productivity at workBy Jonathan Ben-Tovim|2023-05-30T09:08:28+02:0029 May, 2023|Categories: Develop your academic career|Tags: Boost productivity, Work-life balance|
Time tracking for early career researchers and supervising: a practical guideBy Nature|2023-05-25T11:25:10+02:0025 May, 2023|Categories: Develop your academic career, Being successful at supervision|Tags: Work-life balance, Professional development, Supervision relationship|
Ten simple rules to improve academic work–life balanceBy National Library of Medicine|2023-05-29T18:53:32+02:0025 May, 2023|Categories: Develop your academic career|Tags: Work-life balance, Boost productivity, Professional development|
Can a creative hobby improve performance at work?By Fast Company|2023-05-25T11:20:17+02:0025 May, 2023|Categories: Develop your academic career|Tags: Work-life balance, Boost productivity|
Work-Life balance: A perspective from Early Career ResearchersBy ecrLife|2023-05-25T11:16:25+02:0025 May, 2023|Categories: Develop your academic career|Tags: Work-life balance|